The Anna Dvorak Cleanse 2024 is based on the Mediterranean diet. The cleanse removes the most common processed foods while adding supportive whole ingredients to balance blood sugar, aid in toxin elimination, and provide balanced nutrition.

This Cleanse is guided live up to four times per year through an online community with daily coaching, tips, advice and shared support from an online cohort. Your purchase includes free guidance and coaching during each cleanse.

Each Cleanse Guide follows the seasons and recommends a specific menu plan geared for optimum cleansing guidelines for each time of year.

Cleanse timelines last 5-14 days, depending on the season with additional guidance for a prep phase and re-entry phase.

Included in each Cleanse Guide:

  • shopping list

  • full menu plan for each day with guided options

  • recipes

  • information to guide and support you

Spring Cleanse Guide Book

Spring Mediterranean Cleanse Guide Book includes recipes, menu plan and resources for a successful whole foods cleanse.

"I did the new year cleanse in January, ended up on it for about 6 weeks before starting to incorporate some foods back into my diet. I had some hardcore addictions I needed to be free of. It's September and I'm still (mostly) gluten-, dairy- and sugar-free. Making healthy choices has become a lifestyle for me, and I have you to thank for showing me the way so many years ago. I go back to your cookbooks again and again. I've lost 40 lbs and rarely have headaches anymore. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

- Maggie

Other Cleanses